Friday 1 March 2013

A cloudy winter afternoon

   When I work on a more complicated piece, where I have to solve problems and create the pattern as I go, sometimes I get to a point when I feel tired and I want to take a short break from that project, but I still want to work on something. I got this feeling this afternoon again, and I was trying to find some easy thing to make, something with a clear and easy pattern so that I can relax while I make it.
I decided to try my hands on something I've been wanting to try for a while but somehow never got there. Gloves. They are small, the fingerless version can be pretty simple, and as a bonus, I can use up some leftover yarn that wouldn't be enough for any bigger project. So I started to look for patterns and ideas, and I found this. Exactly what I wanted! But of course I'm just me, so as always, I ended up changing the pattern here and there. The biggest change is that I'm going around with the stitch without turning, except for the part where the glove opens for the thumb. The reason is that this way is easier to try it on and see if everything is going well, and more importantly because I don't like sewing parts together (maybe because I'm not very good at that). Another change is that I added a few rounds of double crochet to the cuff part and made a little decrease there - it's a little more difficult to put the glove on this way, but it fits the wrist much better. I think I will make a pattern for this glove (the original on the link does not have a diagram and I really don't like words-only patterns), maybe it will be useful for others too.

I used 100% non-dyed wool yarn and 2.3mm hook. The texture is lovely soft and warm, I just love these delicate yarns!

fingerless crochet lace glove wool

UPDATED: More pictures here.

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